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Section: New Results

Interactions with a chatbot

In the context of the CIFRE Orange PhD work by Nicolas Simonazzi under the supervision of Jean-Marc Salotti and with the objective of analyzing and identifying emotions during interactions with a chatbot, a first experiment was conducted. It involved a user, the use of a smartphone, viewing videos and asking questions about the content of the video and the feeling of the user just after the answer. The collected data were numerous: the accuracy of the answers to the questions, the emotional feeling (choice of emoticons by the user) as well as the real-time measurements of the accelerometer of the smartphone. An analysis of the data was carried out with Russell's relatively simple emotional model as an explanatory framework based on two variables, the positive or negative valence of the emotion, and the degree of excitement. The experimental results showed that there was a slight correlation between the valence indicated by the user, the accuracy of the answers to the questions and the accelerations of the smartphone. However, it was hoped that the videos would have an impact on the valence, because their content had an intrinsic valence, but it proved impossible to find a correlation with the valence indicated by the user, probably due to a lack of the user engagement and also because of the focus on the questions that followed and the accuracy of the answers. A new experimental protocol is currently being studied with a priori more impactful videos (likely to produce an emotion with a greater degree of excitement).

Related publications:[10], [19]